Storm Warning
"Thunder storm warning," the weather radio just said
I saw that look in his eyes eyes I knew the thoughts in his head In the
distance thunder is heard I know to a jungle land He is now transferred What remembered visions do these sounds
bring What tortured memory is called up by the thunder`s ring Of these I can not know I only know he is haunted, each
time it storms ,more so...
İFaye Sizemore May2002
Shadows Arrive
Carolina moonlight filters thru the pines Whippoorwills
call…it is evening time… The coming shadows are lengthening… Awakening… memories in his mind.
I see in his eyes… the pain of the years, Pain I cannot share… nor bathe with my tears… Memories,
with no place to run, no place to hide, Perhaps with an answer, in peace, he could abide.
He remembers their smile, the line of their face. He knows he’ll not see them again… At
least… not in this place. He remembers their cries when they fell… Even though…. years ago…
in that place of hell…
Someone, please …tell him why… His brothers, his buddies, their blood ran red. He
can’t forget…he won’t forget… In war… there was no time for good-bye…
İFaye Sizemore December 22, 2001 |
Old Warriors
Old warriors… Sit by your fire And counsel…
Counsel the young braves… Who will enter the Battle at this stage…
Old warriors Who have gone before… You have pointed the way… You have opened
the door…
Old warriors… Your gift to them is courage To carry to Where the battles rage…
Old warriors… You have transfused Them with the steel from your veins…
Your voices they’ve heard… As thunder when it’s loud…
Old warriors…
Sit proud…
İFaye Sizemore January 31, 2002 |
B. Davis...Cloud Rider
Cloud rider mounted on the wings of morning Seen from afar in an azure sky Ever
to be gone and never more returning Fires of your grandeur are still burning Was there ever a
brighter shown light That flamed in the darkest night Light from a hero's heart glowed And through three wars it
flowed Rest well beloved old soldier Your trials of war are over Soar on cloud rider above Leaving here below your
legacy of love You flew the skies with the brave And forever will your banner wave
Your life was a celebration and
in seeking your honor you brought honor to a nation
General Benjamin O. Davis Jr., USAF 12/18/1912 - 7/4/2002
Sizemore August 2002 |
The Scythe Tree
A farmer boy did answer the call to war He hung his scythe in a cottonwood tree Little
did he know he`d not need it any more Around it for years the tree did grow It cradled his scythe just so A monument
to a brave Union soldier Who never came home and this is why He was captured and so did die in South Carolina
in a confererate infirmery His scythe in New York still remains in the tree though only the tip of it you now
can see a salute to brave James W. Johnson who fought for all people to be free And this soldier was not to
be the last one Years later World War One was raging on Alongside James`es the boys also hung their scythes And
to fight in a foreign land they were gone
The tree still stands through the summers and ice A living tribute to brave soldiers
gone to war May it stand in remembrance forevermore
İFaye Sizemore September62002
The tree in this poem still stands in Waterloo,New York, As do alot of similiar
scythe trees around America,a A living tribute to common men who put aside everyday life to fight for freedom...
‘Your Mamma Wears Combat Boots!’
That was the loud taunt of the bully bunch Little
Billy turned and he put down his lunch Anyone there could see that he was so scared But in a fifth grade bully bunch
no one cared
Trembling he said, “No, she does not!” Stood his ground glued to the spot
Jerry had watched and held back as long as he could He went and stood by Billy because he knew
he should He grinned as he faced the school bully and his crowd To them he began to speak in a voice steady and proud
They stepped back as the speaker stepped forward As they listened their gazes began to be lowered
He said, “Fellas, MY mother DOES wear combat boots She’s made of the stuff that formed
this country’s roots Always there as trouble comes upon the scene I’m proud my mother is a United States
İFaye Sizemore October 01, 2002 |
Tarnished Soldier
Dug in a foxhole
catching forty winks My pardner that night
Keeping the watch Awakened to a hell of a sight
Boots all stood around the edge with rifles all pointing down
In their eyes could be read If they had been enemy
we would both be dead Looked over
at him son of a bitch was asleep
Caught up into a firefight
when the firing stopped Fella was no where in sight
well,I`ll be dammed He was back behind some trees
Where the hell were you 'LT., My rifle jammed'
Sure, you son of a bitch Lt.Took the said jammed rifle
LT,fired it in the air Sounds echoed everywhere
No jammed rifle there
Lt.turned to us and said
'Runs like a rabbit again I want him treated as such'
We weren`t thrilled too much We looked at each other
Was said soldier a brother or an enemy among us
We were all knowing then he was unworthy of trust
He`d never finish his hitch Went without
saying That son of a bitch
İFaye Sizemore November182002
These poems are all the copyrighted property of the
author and may not be used without permission